Since our innovative «KWIN-SWIG» company was launched,  we have enjoyed the reputation of a reliable partner having achieved a solid position on the Ukrainian market of translucent constructions.

We have attained this position due to the main principle of our work:  centering on a client and his needs, as well as constant pursuit for innovations.

In an ever-changing, technically evolving environment,  we are looking for new ways of solving our client’s problems.  We are always ready to offer something more than simply windows and doors.

  • Since 1994,  «KWIN-SWIG»  has been  engaged in producing the constructions from PVC-profiles, wood, aluminum,  as well as  wood-aluminum.   
  • Today,  «KWIN-SWIG»  is one of the major companies on the Ukrainian market  dealing with the production of  innovative  translucent constructions.
  • «KWIN-SWIG» uses  components and materials exclusively of the best quality from the well-established European producers.
  • «KWIN-SWIG» production base is equipped with high-class facilities, we have high-qualified personnel capable of solving diverse tasks of any level of complexity.
  • «KWIN-SWIG» has successfully introduced the quality management system and is fully compliant with  ISO 9001-2001.

«KWIN-SWIG»  |  04074, Kiev, 1 Lugovaya Str.  |   +38 (044) 206-42-30  |  +38 (044) 206-42-32                     Facebook  Google+